
Tutorial: Bookmarks

Bookmarks are a feature of the GLOBE Data Entry tool and require a GLOBE Site be defined prior to use. To learn about how to create a site, follow the Sites tutorial. Afterwards, you can return to this tutorial to learn how to use Bookmarks.

  1. Open the GLOBE Data Entry tool
    • If your site is part of an organization:
      1. Next to the organization name, on the left, click the "+" icon
      2. Next to the site name, on the left, click the "+" icon
    • If your site is not part of an organization:
      1. On the site you want to edit, on the left, click the "+" icon

To create a bookmark:

  1. Next to the protocol you want to bookmark, to the right of the title, click on the "star" icon

To delete a bookmark:

  1. Under the "My Bookmarks" section of the page, at the top, find your bookmarked protocols
  2. Next to the protocol bookmark you want to delete, on the right, click on the "x" icon